
Vegetable Traveling Plans

Belgium is known for two vegetables I detest,

the first being Belgian Endives

and the other Brussel Sprouts,

While France is highly regarded for two that I like the best,

Morels and Chanterelles.

So for you it should be very easy to tell

Which of those countries is on my traveling ins

and which is on the outs.

Don’t Know Much About Geography

I’ve never been to Gambia, either Mongolia, Tanzania,Patagonia, or anyplace that ends in stan.

Nor have I been to Bulgaria, Nigeria, Siberia, Serbia, or Liberia.

The same could be said for  Bangladesh and Marrakesh.

Okay, I’ll confess.

Until I looked them up on Wikipedia I had no idea where any of them were.

So you guessed it!

I must be American.

(another confession this verse was originally going to be about fusion cuisine until it went in a far different direction)